A Worshiping Community
We are a worshiping community in Atlanta, Georgia affiliated with the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) and rooted in the belief that the historic Christian gospel is true, exciting, and transformative.
We are a collection of people from all walks and stages of life with varied backgrounds, ethnicities, interests, and gifts.
We are a church family that knows belief is not always easy, and we welcome those who are wrestling, struggling, or seeking.

Sunday services at 10:45 am
On Sundays, we gather for worship at 10:45 am. Our worship services are lively, reverent, liturgical, prayerful, and engaging, and they point us toward an encounter with God. Worship music at Redeemer blends the traditions of the past with modern hymns. We serve the Lord’s Supper weekly during worship.
Children are welcome in our worship service. We offer nursery care for 0-3 year olds, as well as Children’s Church for Pre-K through 2nd grade after dismissal during the service. If it’s your first time with us, our greeters at the church doors can guide you to our children’s area.

We want you to find a place where you are known, cared for, and able to serve well. Discipleship happens as we meet to pray, study, and apply Scripture to our lives.
Sunday School: Children, youth, and adults meet with their peers at 9:30 am on Sundays to study Scripture together.
Small Groups: We have small groups and studies for men, women, and mixed groups of adults by location and life stage.
Prayer: On Wednesday evenings at 8 pm we meet online to pray for our church family, our community, and the world.

Opportunities to get involved
We encourage each other to use our time, energy, resources, and spiritual gifts to serve our church family and our community.
Servant teams within the church include greeters, ushers, video and livestream team, musicians, children’s and youth ministry volunteers, and more.

Connect through outreach and mission
We work together regularly as a church family to share the love of Christ with others, partnering with local and global ministries.
Highlights include serving together at StreetWise Georgia’s mobile food pantry, gathering Christmas and Easter gifts for families in need, an annual mission trip to Cherokee, NC, and events to support and encourage local international students.
Our Vision
Our vision is to be transformed by God’s mercy and grace into a community of priests engaged in God’s redeeming work in Atlanta and the world.
(from 1 Peter 4:2-10)

Our Core Values

Our Core Beliefs
As a congregation of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA), we hold to the Westminster Confession and Catechisms as our statement of faith.
These documents were crafted in the 1640s to summarize the teaching of Scripture on the vital doctrines of the faith and provide a source of unity and instruction for like-minded churches.
We believe the Bible teaches:

Senior Pastor

Rev. Chris Hildebrand
Preaching Team

Rev. Jon Medlock

Rev. Al LaCour
Church Staff

Cory Sellers

Meg Way

Kerry Gragg
The Session

Phil Drake